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For over 31 years, the EASTR organizes annual meetings, "STRs European Days" or "Euro-Mediterranean Observatory of public territorial action" which have gathered about 3000 State territorial representatives - prefects, governors, Regierungspräsident , voïvodes or commissioners in 40 different European cities and countries. The European Days focus on the exchange of experience and professional best practices. The Observatory for its part seeks to promote better coordination of public and private actors for the development of territories.

Presentation & Activities

The objective behind the European Association of State Territorial representatives is to allow exchange of professional experiences between State Territorial Representatives from European countries (whether belonging or not to the E.U). The European Days help to multiply the contacts between them, to facilitate a better mutual knowledge of the territorial public administration and the implementation of public policies on the territory.

The Association offers an exceptional frame (and the only one at this level) for high-ranking public officials to meet, exchange ideas and work together, since their functions usually keep them inside their national boundaries.

For this reason, the EASTR intends to contribute to the information and permanent training of these high-ranking officials, by giving them deeper knowledge of each other’s administrative cultures, through public officials responsible for national authorities in the internal affairs field.

The EASTR contributes to circulate better practices from the community law point of view.

Another aim is to encourage the exchange of information and experience among member countries’ national representatives, so that European policies and regulations are better applied within their state boundaries.

Exchanges of civil servants between countries are made possible thanks to the direct contacts built up during the meetings by the territorial representatives, as well as cooperations, twinnings, etc....


31  years of existence.

Launched as an experiment in 1993, the Days have met with such success that they have been organised year after year since.

1994 – 7 to 8 July  -– Rome – Italy : Ist EUROPEAN DAYS : "The Role of State Territorial Representatives in Europe"

1995 – 29 to 30 June – Rome – Italy : IInd EUROPEAN DAYS : "State Territorial Representatives and local authorities"

1995  - 10 November - Brussels - BelgiumLiaison Committee

1996 – 15 April - Madrid - SpainLiaison Committe

1996 - 4 to 5 July - Paris - France : IIIrd EUROPEAN DAYS : "Territorial Representatives faced with the necessary adaptation of the State"

1996 - 2 December - Helsinki - FinlandLiaison Committee

1997 – 28 April - Wiesbaden - GermanyLiaison Committee

1997 - 26 to 27 June -  Rome - Italy : IVth EUROPEAN DAYS : "Administration at intermediate levels : the challenge of proximity"

1997 - 20 October - Brussels - BelgiumLiaison Committee

1998 – 27 April - Stavanger - NorwayLiaison Committee

1998 - 2 to 3 July - Lugo – Spain : Vth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The State Territorial Representative facing crisis"

1998 - 26 October - Munich - GermanyLiaison Committee

1999 – 12 April - Wroclaw - PolandLiaison Committee

1999 - 17 to 18 June - Oulu - Finland : VIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "Territorial representatives and local elected authorities"

1999 - 18 October - Manchester - Great BritainLiaison Committee

2000 – 27 March - Uppsala - SwedenLiaison Committee

2000 - 29 to 30 June - Strasbourg - France : VIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The State Territorial Representative and Europe"

2000 - 30 October - Gent - BelgiumLiaison Committee

2001 – 26 March - Coïmbra - Portugal Liaison Committee

2001 - 5 to 6 July -  Rome – Italy : VIIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The State Territorial Representative,  between Europe and territorial communities"

2001 - 22 October - Freiburg im Breigsau - GermanyLiaison Committee

2002 – 8 April - Toledo - Spain Liaison Committee

2002 - 27 to 28 June - Oslo – Norway : IXth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The State Territorial Representative and security in periods of crisis"

2002 - 21 October  - Paris - FranceLiaison Committee

2003 – 7 April - Kiruna - SwedenLiaison Committee

2003 - 3 to 4 July - Wroclaw - Poland : Xth EUROPEAN DAYS : "Role of the State territorial representative in Europe"

2003 - 27 October - LuxembourgLiaison Committee

2004 – 16 February - Malaga - SpainLiaison Committee

2004 - 1 to 3 July - Munich - Germany : XIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "STR’s role in civil crisis management"

2004 - 29 0ctober - Genoa - ItalyLiaison Committee

2005 - 8 April - Middelburg - The NetherlandsLiaison Committee

2005 - 7 to 9 July - Birmingham – Great Britain : XIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : “Role of the STR in the field of social cohesion”

2005 - 24 October - Kiev and Lougansk - Ukraine Liaison Committee

2006 – 7 April - Lausanne - SwitzerlandLiaison Committee

2006 - 5 to 8 July - Paris - France : XIIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : “The STR in the management of rural space”

2006 - October - Brussels - Belgium Liaison Committee

2007 – 23 March - Paphos - Cyprus :  Liaison Committee

2007 - 4 to 7 July - Castile and Leon - Spain : XIVth EUROPEAN DAYS : “Security, citizen and the  STR”


I - 29 to 31 May - Venice - Italy : XVth EUROPEAN DAYS : “Role of the STR in the European integration”

II - 23 to 25 October - Paris and Dijon - France : 1st European Observatory of State Territorial Action : “Relations between STR, territorial elected representatives and development agencies”


I - 7 to 9 May - Stockholm - Sweden : XVIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STR and water management"

II - 22 to 24 October - Leuven - Belgium : 2nd European Observatory of State territorial Action : "The STR and the regional fact"

2010 - 30 september - 2 October - Lausanne - Switzerland : XVIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STR facing the economic and financial crisis : assessment and lessons"

I - 19 to 21 May - Budapest and Lake Balaton - Hungary : XVIIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STR in the relations between central power and regions with a measure of autonomy"

II - 27-29 October - Marrakesh - Morocco : 3rd Euro-Mediterranean Observatory of State Territorial Action : "Sustainable urban development"

2012 - 15 to 17 March - Paris - France :  XIXth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STR facing the metropolitan fact"

2012 - 28 September - Bologna - Italy Steering Committee

2013 - 6 to 8 June - Bergen - Norway : XXth EUROPEAN DAYS : "Between development and environment what regulation for the STR ?"

2014 - 24 January - Rome - ItalySteering Committee

2014 - 12 to 14 June - Liège - Belgium : XXIst EUROPEAN DAYS : "Security and energy : role of the STR towards the citizens"

2014 - 21 November - Paris - FranceSteering Committee

2015 - 28 to 30 May - Istanbul - Turkey : XXIInd EUROPEAN DAYS : "Profession STR"

2015 - 30 October - Montreux - Switzerland Steering Committee

2016 - 21 to 23 April - 's-Hertogenbosch & Maastricht - The Netherlands : XXIIIrd EUROPEAN DAYS : "STR and innovation" 

2016 - 18 to 19 November - Antwerpen - BelgiumSteering committee

2017 - 15 to 17 June - Oulu - Finland : XXIVth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STR facing threats to security" 

2017 - 17 to 18 November - Rust - Germany : Steering committee

2018 - 31 May to 2 June - Lyon - France : XXVth EUROPEAN DAYS : "The STRs role on public involvement  of the infrastructures or sensitive events"

2018 - 16 November - Banska Bystrica - SlovakiaSteering committee

2019 - 13 to 15 June - Leuven - Belgium : XXVIth EUROPEAN DAYS : “Smart region: What possibilities for STRs to promote the use of Big Data and means of digitalization? Development of their own role in this context?”

2019 - 7 to 9 November - Gödöllö - HungarySteering committee

2021 (Days of 2020 year) - 28 to 30 October - Florence - Italy : XXVIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : “The role of the STRs in the cities of art security and in the heritage protection” AND “The role of the STRs in the Covid19 crisis management”

2022 - 7 to 8 October - Marseille - France : Steering committee

2023 - 13 to 15 April - Malmö - Sweden : XXVIIIth EUROPEAN DAYS : “The consequences of the war in Ukraine – how does it affect our countries?”

2023 - 14 to 15 October - Le Brassus - Switzerland : Steering committee

2024 - 2 to 4 May - Izmir - Türkiye : XXIXth EUROPEAN DAYS : “Management of natural disasters by the State Territorial Representatives”

2024 - 4 to 5 October - Antwerp - Belgium : Steering committee


Growing Europeanization.

From the first Days, as can be seen from the programme and list of participants, the event took on a truly European character, due as much to the number and diversity of countries represented as to the European Commission’s participation.

The Franco-Italian origins of the whole idea have not at any time lessened the European character of the event.

Right from the start, the number of countries represented has continued to increase and the delegation sizes have grown in proportion to the population sizes of states represented (apart from the host country, which is traditionally and understandably over-represented).
The European character is further illustrated by the systematic inclusion, in the Day’s programme, of a theme concerning the life of the European Union and by the fact that a European Commission representative regularly takes part in Liaison Committee meetings. In addition, during the actual Days, one or two people from the Commission, at directorial level, have always been invited to speak.

Lastly, the General Secretariat, based in Paris, operates at the service of all participating countries.

A European Association.

During the first years, the Days were organised from one session to the next, with the success of the last session pushing towards organisation of the next one. The «European Days for State Territorial Representatives» are now not just an interesting idea but also a unique opportunity for contacts and exchanges : such is in the opinion of national representatives, who have participated in some sessions, and also of representatives from the European Commission (who have expressed this publicly more than once).

This is why it has been decided by the member countries that these Days will be given a structure that will be more stable and also more equitable. The member countries pay a national annual contribution, unique set price (allowing an undetermined number of participants) of 4 500 euros. Federal status countries such as Germany or Switzerland pay an annual contribution of 2 000 euros (per member Land or Canton)

Eventually, the « European association of State territorial representatives –EASTR » has been created in 2000, in order to give a juridical basis to the European days. The Association is based in Brussels.

Member countries

For 31 years now, the “European Days” have assembled territorial representatives from European States. 

The «Days» bring together public officials whose function is to represent their Government and see that laws are applied in an area of their country’s territory, even though they may not all have the same power invested in them : some may represent a central State (e.g. Italy), others a decentralised State
(as is the case with Germany, for instance, where they represent a Land). Central administration executives also participate to the European Days, as well as experts.

The Board of Directors brings together prefects, governors, regierungspräsidenten, regional directors of government offices, district commissioners, King's commissioners, civil governors from the following countries :


Some of them are already grouped together in national associations :  this is the case for France, Italy and Turkey.

Euro-Mediterranean countries also join in our debates : Morocco.

Ruling Organs as of 10- 10 -2024


President: Mr. Ignazio PORTELLI, State Commissioner for the Sicilian Region, President of ANFACI - Italy

Secretary General : Mrs. Nicole KLEIN, Prefect (h) – France

Vice-president: Mrs. Silvia NEGRO, Deputy director for European and international relations - Spain

Treasurer: Mrs. Cathy BERX, Governor of Antwerp province - Belgium



Members of the Board:

ACPHFMI (Association du Corps Préfectoral et des Hauts Fonctionnaires du Ministère de l’Intérieur) – France, represented by, Mr. Eric FREYSSELINARD, Deputy Vice-President of the ACPHFMI, Prefect, counselor for internal affairs of the French embassy in Spain and Mrs. Nicole ISNARD, Prefect (h), vice-president of the association of the prefectural body and senior officials of the Ministry of the Interior in charge of External Relations

ANFACI (Associazione Nazionale dei Funzionari dell’Amministrazione dell’Interno) – Italy, represented by its President and State Commissioner for the Sicilian region, Mr. Ignazio PORTELLI

TID (Association of Turkish governors) – Turkey, represented by its president, Mr Saffet Arikan BEDÜK, former Governor



Mrs. Ina ADEMA, King’s Commissioner, Province of Noord Brabant – The Netherlands

Mr. Boris CUANOUD, Prefect Morges – Switzerland

Mr. Mark WEINMEISTER, President of Kassel district – Land of Hessen – Germany

Mr. Frank SCHERER, Governor, Ortenau county - Germany

Mr. Denis MATHEN, Governor, province of Namur – Belgium

Mr. Tom Cato KARLSEN, Governor, County of Nordland – Norway 

Mr. Marko PUKKINEN, Director General, Regional State Administrative Agency for Western and Inland Finland  – Finland

Mr. Sandor SZABO, Commissioner of administrative government, Nograd – Hungary

Mr. Mohamed FAOUZI, Secretary General, Ministry of the Interior - Morocco


Associated members

IHEMI - Institut des Hautes études du ministère de l'Intérieur – France


Members of honour

Mrs. Tora AASLAND – Norway

Mr. Thierry AUMONIER – EASTR managing director 1994-2015

Mr. Herman BALTHAZAR – Belgium

Mrs. Solange CARMONA – EASTR secretary general 1994-2015

Mr. Andreas CHRISTODOULIDES – Cyprus

Mr. Michel FORET – Belgium

Mrs. Ann-Cathrine HAGLUND – Sweden

Mr. Sven LINDGREN – Sweden

Mr. Kari MARKLUND – Sweden

Mr. Carlo MOSCA – Italy

Mrs. Véronique PAULUS DE CHATELET – Belgium

Mr. Hans J. ROSJORDE – Norway

Mrs. Pierrette ROULET-GRIN – Switzerland

Mr. Charles RICQ – Switzerland

Mr. Eino SIURUAINEN – Finland

Mr. Lodewijk DE WITTE - Belgium

Mr. Janusz ZALESKI - Poland

Mr. Frank SCHERER - Germany


Statutes EASTR, May 3, 2024

ASBL (nonprofit organization) of Belgian law, 
constituted in accordance with companies and associations code of March 23, 2019.

N° 473.490.751

Title I - Denomination – Registered office.

ARTICLE 1.  The association is called: “European association of State territorial representatives -EASTR”

ARTICLE 2.  Its registered office is situated 1, rue de Louvain, 1000 Brussels. It may be transferred by decision of the Board of Directors to any other place in the country. 

Any modification of the registered office must be published in the month of its date, in the annexes of the Belgian Official Gazette.

Its e-mail address is: "contact@aerte-asso.org".

Title II - Purpose.

ARTICLE 3.  The purpose of the association is:

- organization of the “European Days of State territorial representatives”;

- exchange of experiences between the State territorial representatives in Europe;

- the exchange of experiences between State territorial representatives and agents from central government services responsible for issues relating to territorial administration;

- organization of debates or information or training actions for these territorial representatives;

- multiplication of contacts and opportunities for meetings and exchanges among them as with educational institutions oriented towards questions of territorial administration;

- encouragement of bonds of conviviality between the State representatives in Europe and, possibly, in the rest of the world;

- development of contacts with national, regional or local governments, with the European Union (EU) and with other organizations of the same type, as well as the production of reports addressed to them.

The association may perform all acts relating directly or indirectly to its purpose. It can give its assistance and take an interest in any activity similar to its purpose.

The association can receive participations and donations of all kinds: public subsidies, participations or others, subject to the prescriptions of the Code of Companies and Associations of March 23, 2019 and any other text concerning donations inter vivos or testamentary.

Title III –Members.

ARTICLE 4.  The number of members of the association is not limited. Its minimum is set at three.

Members are associations, states or regional or local governments. These associations, states and local or regional governments freely designate their representatives so that they have one of the qualities referred to in paragraph 4 below.

Administrative science organizations or universities, oriented towards questions of territorial administration may have membership quality. They freely designate their representatives.

The association can admit physical persons, state territorial representatives in activity or retired as well as officers from central government departments responsible for territorial administration in activity or retired or members of academic staff, in activity or retired, from administrative science organizations or universities focused on questions of territorial administration.

Physical persons have the status of associate members. They do not have the right to vote at the General Assembly but can attend in a consultative capacity.

ARTICLE 5.  Admissions of new members are decided by the Board of Directors. Persons or organizations of any kind who have helped the association achieve its purpose and who meet or not one of the qualities referred to above may be admitted as honorary members.

Honorary members do not have any rights in this respect but may be invited to activities organized by the association.

ARTICLE 6.  The resignation, suspension and exclusion of members, associate members and honorary members are done in determined manner by the provisions of article 9:23 of the code of companies and associations of March 23, 2019. As such, the member concerned is able to present his observations before any decision concerning him.

ARTICLE 7.  The resigning, suspended or excluded member (including a member, an associate member or an honorary member), as well as the heirs or assigns of the deceased member (or associate member or honorary member), have no right to the resources of the association.

They may not claim or require any statement, rendering of accounts, affixing of seals, or inventory.

Title IV - Contributions.

ARTICLE 8.   Members, whatever they are, are not required to pay any entry fee. 

Members pay an annual contribution, the amount of which is set by the Board of Directors.

For associate members, the Board of Directors sets the amount of annual contribution.

The members, the associate members and honorary members provide the association with the active support of their abilities and their dedication.

The Board of Directors sets each year the amount of contributions intended for the operation of the association for each category of members.

Members may increase the amount of their participation on a voluntary basis and keep the Board of Directors informed through the secretary general.

Title V - General Assembly.

ARTICLE 9.  The General Assembly is composed of all members up-to-date with their contribution. The internal regulations specify what is meant by “member up-to-date with their contribution”

ARTICLE 10. The General Assembly is the sovereign power of the association. It has the powers expressly granted to it by law or these statutes.

Are in particular reserved to its competence (article 9:12 of the Companies and Associations Code):

1/ amendments to the statutes;
2/ appointment and dismissal of members of the board;

3/ the appointment and dismissal of the commissioner(s) and the setting of his/her remuneration;

4/ the discharge to be granted to the administrators and the commissioner, as well as, where applicable, the bringing of a legal action by the association against the administrators and the commissioners;
5/ approval of budgets and accounts;
6/ voluntary dissolution of the association;
7/ the exclusions of members.

8/ the possible adoption of internal regulations, after proposal by the Board of Directors (see article 28 of these statutes);

9/ the transformation of the non-profit association into another legal form;

10/ make or accept the free contribution of a universality;

ARTICLE 11. At least one General Assembly must be held each year.

The association may hold an extraordinary General Assembly at any time by decision of the Board of Directors or at the request of at least one fifth of the members. Each meeting will be held on the day, time and place mentioned in the convocation.

All members should be invited.

ARTICLE 12. The General Assembly is convened by the Board of Directors by ordinary letter addressed to each member, if necessary, remotely, at least fifteen days before the meeting, and signed by the secretary General on behalf of the Board of Directors.

The agenda is mentioned in the convocation.

Except in the cases of statutory modification or exclusion of a member, provided for in articles 9:21 and 9:23 of the code of companies and associations of March 23, 2019, the Assembly can deliberate validly on points which are not mentioned on the agenda.

The General Assembly may be held remotely, in accordance with the provisions of the Companies and Associations Code, and more particularly Article 9:16/1, §1, where applicable supplemented or specified by the internal regulations.

ARTICLE 13. Each member as defined in article 4, paragraph 2 has the right to attend the General Assembly by sending there one or more representatives. The internal regulations will provide for the practical organization of this participation. 

In the event of absence, members can give a proxy to a mandatory who must be a representative of another member of the association. Each member can only hold one proxy. 

ARTICLE 14. The Assembly must be convened by the Board of Directors when one-fifth of the members request it.

Similarly, any proposal signed by one-fifth of the members must be placed on the agenda.

ARTICLE 15. The General Assembly is chaired by the president of the Board of Directors.

ARTICLE 16. All members have equal voting rights at the General Assembly, each country having only one vote.

Resolutions are taken by a simple majority of votes present or represented, except in cases where it is decided otherwise by law or these statutes.

In the event of equality of votes, that of the member who has the presidency or who replaces him/her is decisive.

ARTICLE 17. The General Assembly can only validly deliberate on the dissolution of the association in accordance withprovisions of articles 2:109 to 2:113 of the Companies and Associations Code of March 23, 2019 and on modifications to the statutes, only in accordance with the provisions of the same Code and more particularly articles 9:12, 9:14/1 and 9:21.

ARTICLE 18. The decisions of the General Assembly are recorded in a register of minutes and signed by the president and an administrator. This register is kept at the head office where all members can read it but without moving the register.

All members or third parties proving an interest may request extracts signed by the president of the Board of Directors and by anadministrator.

Any modification to the statutes must be published within one month of its date in the annexes of the Belgian Official Gazette. The same applies to any appointment, resignation or dismissal of a administrator.

Article 18bis. Before the date set for a General Assembly, the members thereof will be able to vote remotely by sending an email to the president with at least a copy to the secretary general as well as to any other member that the Board of Directors will have designated.

Title VI – Administration - Daily management.

ARTICLE 19. The association is administered by the Board of Directors, appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years. 

The General Assembly appoints the members of the Board of Directors in accordance with these statutes and the procedure provided for in the internal regulations.

The administrators will be physical persons chosen among state territorial representatives in function or retired whose country, region or territory of origin is a member of the association. 

Each member as defined in article 4, par. 2 will have at least one representative on the Board of Directors.

They may also be members of the academic, scientific or administrative staff of the organizations or institutions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 3 of these statutes.

Finally, these could be people exercising responsibilities within professional associations that are members of the EASTR or central government services responsible for territorial administration. 

The Board of Directors has at least three members and a maximum of thirty.

The Board of Directors appoints a person in charge of managing and promoting the activities of the association. He has the title of secretary general.

The secretary general is also responsible, in liaison with the Board of Directors and the authorities of the host country/territory, for the organization of the European Days.

He/she is responsible for the preparation and proper execution of all decisions of the Board of Directors and the General Assembly.

The secretary general attends the Board of Directors and the General Assembly with an advisory voice. 

He may receive indemnity by decision of the Board of Directors.

The Board of Directors may invite external personalities to attend its meetings.

ARTICLE 20. Each member of the Board of Directors may be represented in case of impediment by another administrator according to the terms of the internal regulations.

In the event of a vacancy during a mandate, the remaining administrators have the right, in accordance with article 9:6, §2 of the Companies and Associations Code, to co-opt a new administrator pending the next General Assembly which will have to confirm or not the mandate of the administrator co-opted. 

Retiring administrators are eligible for reappointment.

ARTICLE 21. The Board of Directors appoints among its members and for the duration of his mandate of three years, one or several vice-president(s), as well as a treasurer.

They form the office. The secretary general attends the office in a consultative capacity. 

Annually, the member of the Board of Directors representing the state or local authority hosting the European Days of the following year will join the office as vice-president. If the president is unable to attend the Board of Directors or the General Assembly, his duties of the president of the meeting are assumed by the eldest vice-president or, failing that, the oldest of the administrators present. 

ARTICLE 22.  The Board of Directors sets the dates of its own meetings which are convened by the intermediary of its president or, at his request, by the secretary general.

It can only rule if the majority of its members are present or represented.

All members have equal voting rights in the Board of Directors, each country having a single vote and a maximum of three representatives.

Its decisions are taken by an absolute majority of votes; when there is a parity of votes, that of the president or member replacing him is preponderant. They are recorded in the form of minutes, signed by the president and another administrator and entered in a special register. The extracts that must be produced and all other acts will be signed by the president and another administrator.

ARTICLE 23. The Board of Directors has the most extensive powers for the administration and management of the association except for what the law and these statutes reserve for the competence of the General Assembly.

It may in particular, without this enumeration being exhaustive, make and pass all acts and all contracts, compromise, acquire, exchange, sell all movable and immovable property, mortgage, borrow, conclude leases of any duration, accept all legacies, subsidies, donations and transfers, renouncing all rights, conferring all powers on representatives of its choice, members or not, represent the association in court, both defending and asking. 

It can sign agreements with organizations of all kinds, including official organizations (governments, international organizations, etc.).

It may also receive all sums and securities, withdraw all sums and securities on deposit, open all accounts in banks and the Postal Check Office, carry out all operations on these accounts and in particular any withdrawal of funds by check, order of bank transfer or transfer or any other payment order, hire any bank safe, pay all sums due by the association, withdraw from the post office, customs, railway company letters, telegrams, parcels, registered, insured or not; cash all money orders as well as all summonses or postal receipts.

Waive all contractual or real rights as well as all real or personal warranties; give release, before or after payment, of any privileged or mortgage registrations, transcriptions, seizures or other impediments; execute all judgments, compromise.

The Board appoints, either itself or by proxy, all agents, employees and staff members of the association and dismisses them; it determines their occupations and salaries.

In agreement with the host state or local authority, the Board of Directors decides on the choice of venue, dates and theme(s) of future European Days of State Territorial Representatives. 

ARTICLE 24. The accounts of the association, which is a non-profit association (ASBL) within the meaning of the provisions of the Companies and Associations Code of March 23, 2019, can be submitted each year to a certified accountant or to a company auditor. 

ARTICLE 25. Legal actions, both as claimant and defendant, are initiated or supported, in the name of the association, by the Board of Directors, on the proceedings and diligence of the president assisted by the secretary general.

ARTICLE 26. The administrators do not contract, because of their function, any personal obligation and are only responsible for the execution of their mandate. This is exercised free of any cost.

ARTICLE 27.  The president is authorized to accept, on a provisional or definitive basis, the donations made to the association and to complete all the formalities necessary for their acquisition. The Board of Directors may delegate this authority to the secretary general. 

Title VII - Internal regulations.

ARTICLE 28. If internal regulations appear useful, they will be presented by the Board of Directors and submitted for approval by the General Assembly. Modifications to these regulations may be made by a General Assembly, ruling by a simple majority of the members present or represented.

Title VIII - Various provisions.

ARTICLE 29. The financial year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31 each year.

ARTICLE 30. The accounts for the past financial year and the budget for the following financial year will be submitted annually for approval to the ordinary General Assembly.

ARTICLE 31. In the event of dissolution of the association, the General Assembly will appoint the liquidators, determine powers and indicate the allocation to be given to the net assets of the company's assets.

This allocation must be made in favor of an association with a similar purpose or, failing that, a charity.

These decisions as well as the name, profession and address of the liquidators will be published in the annexes of the Belgian Official Gazette.

ARTICLE 32. Anything that is not explicitly provided for in these statutes must be regulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code of Companies and Associations of March 23, 2019.

Of which act signed and agreed in Izmir, Türkiye, on May 3, 2024.






Note: Some function names are sometimes used only in the masculine gender; this is done for convenience, the old statutes which proceeded in this way having served as a basis for the present ones. It is obvious that these names and functions are aimed at any type of person who can assume them, regardless of their gender or sex.