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15 June 2017 to 17 June 2017

The role of the STR facing threats to Security

Context and security issues in European countries- STR's missions in security policies of various member states - STR and terrorism - STR's facing other security issues

With an informal Round Table about the current issue of the territorial administration reform.

- Presentation of the finnish case

- Presentation of the french case

-Presentation of the belgian case

- Presentation of the Dutch case

- Presentation of the Italian case

- Presentation of the turkish case

You will find the program, and the Powerpoint presentations

21 April 2016 to 23 April 2016
's-Hertogenbosch & Maastricht

Regionomics: the role of the STR in fostering innovation and sustainable growth- Models of innovation and cooperation- sustainable energy- smart mobility

You will find the special Round table dedicated to a topical issue : Refugees in Europe: what’s the role for STR’s and how to deal with the refugee crisis?

 Find here the complete program, the participants and all PowerPoint documents transmitted by the speakers


28 May 2015 to 30 May 2015

"Profession: STR". Who are the STRs ?, what status, what career ? what training ? what life and work conditions ? The STRs observers and actors of the territorial reforms. Find here the complete program, the participants, all PowerPoint documents transmitted by the speakers and the special supplement produced by the Revue Administration.

© Lotharingia
12 June 2014 to 14 June 2014

Security and energy : role of the STR towards the citizens. Nuclear energy and security – The blackout – Conventional energies and security – Renewable energies and security. Find here the complete program, the participants, all PowerPoint documents and the special supplement produced by the Revue Administration.

© cn0ra
06 June 2013 to 08 June 2013

Between development and environment, what regulation for the STR ? The environment in urban zones – How to reconcile industrial development and environmental security  ? - The management of the rural space – Exemplary or suicidal Europe ? Find here the complete program, the participants, all PowerPoint documents and the special supplement produced by the Revue Administration