Welcome words from the new Secretary General Ms. Nicole KLEIN
Dear EASTR members,
It's a pleasure and an honor to have taken on the responsibility of Secretary General of the Association of State Territorial Representatives (EASTR) since January 1.
I would first like to pay tribute to my predecessor Pierre-Etienne Bisch, who carried out this task with dedication and skill for eight years. I would of course like to ask for your support as I take my first steps. I'll be in touch with each and every one of you, and will do my utmost to re-establish ties that have sometimes become strained.
With the help of Anastasiia Diakova, who will continue to act as my representative, my first task will be to organize the European Days of Izmir, from May 2 to 4. Our Turkish friends will welcome us to discuss a subject that is of particular importance to them, but which concerns us all because it lies at the heart of our missions: "The management of natural disasters by State territorial representatives".
I wish you all a very happy 2024.
Nicole Klein
Secretary General of the EASTR