January 10 Governors Day, Turkey
January 10 was defined as “Governors Day" by the Turkish Association of Governors, founded in 1963, based on the first meeting day that was the basis for the establishment of the "governors branch" in January 10, 1971. Thus, on January 10, every year, "Governors Day" is celebrated and successful managers are rewarded.
January 10, 2021 was Sunday and there were restrictions applied because of the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, the Day was celebrated in January 11, 2021 Monday with limited attendance in the Turkish Ministry of Interior Conference Hall.
Minister of Interior Mr.Suleyman SOYLU greeted Governors Day in his speech. Mr. SOYLU has defined the future governor profile:
"The governor and district governor profile, which is focused on citizen satisfaction, touches the problems in the shortest way, is active, dynamic, produces new solutions, is not the slave of legislation and inclinations, is the executive profile of the future, not the past. Our luck is that the Turkish administrative tradition is actually a tradition suitable for this executive profile. Our governors and district governors, whose songs are written in their names, are such people. "
In his speech, Mr. Saffet Arıkan BEDUK, President of the Turkish Association of Governors, drew attention to the work of local governors during the pandemic process:
“In the management of the pandemic process, the local governors showed extraordinary efforts and achieved coordination with outstanding success. As a citizen, I personally witnessed the work of fidelity support groups formed by the governorships and district governorships. The local governors, who supported the health personnel, who were their colleagues, with the security personnel and personnel of other institutions, and ensured that the decisions taken in the center were implemented at the provincial and district level, were exceptionally successful. "
Every year, successful local governors who are selected among the district governors, who are recommended by the provincial governors or Ministry unit chiefs and whose work is submitted to the Association as a file, are awarded. 5 district governors were awarded in this program. Mr. BEDUK explained this process:
"We are giving awards to our successful governors at the ceremony held on January 10, Governors Day. Thus, we contribute to the motivation of our colleagues. We bring the successful work of our professional community to the national agenda. In determining our successful local governors to award awards; criteria such as Coordination success in the province and district, the ability to represent attitude and behavior, the rapid and effective provision of public services, the implementation of projects that provide employment and continuity, control and follow-up of the investments made from the central budget, local support for investments made from the central budget, employment with local contributions, and making sustainable investments to increase production are taken as basis.
Successful governors received their awards. Documents were sent to the retired governors by mail. Pension certificates and plaques were given symbolically to a local authority. The ceremony ended with a souvenir photo.